What's New in VSF
Last updated:
- 11Jan08: Added some photos with links to the introduction page.
- 20May07: Just a quick addition. A request for a size comparisons prompts me to post Model Test Photos .
- 22Mar07: Updates and addition to the The Dipping Method page.
- 18Aug06: Lots of repairs to broken photos and such. Even some spell checks! Repairs mostly under terrain how to page.
- 13Jul06: I have tracked most of the bugs down. Navigation now should go with few errors.
- 03Jul06: Looks like a loss of about one year. Time to get to work adding new things.
- 25Jul05: Over work, illness, and life in general has been getting the way of my hobbies,
But finally I am back to making some updates. To start with the VSF Inspiration page.
- 19Apr05: Just some new links on the Rivets page.
- 30Mar05: Been very busy with other things, so just a small update on Plastics.
- 11Mar05: Expansion of the Martian Structures page.
- 24Feb05: New section on Plastic Plant Kits
and updates in the Martian Structures page.
Added new photo of Landship to preview section.
- 16Feb05: A lot of things started under Terrain "How To"s
look for the
flags. I will have to come up
with an "updated" flag to help you fine folks navigate the changes.
- 14Feb05: More progress on the Koubu Model Kit and more previews in The Shape of Things to Come .
- 09Feb05: Not so much new from me as from other kind folks, A Guest
Gallery and new paper tank plans .
- 26Jan05: More new previews of war machines and updates to
rivets in the form of how to make your own
Boiler Plate Sections and converting a
Koubu Model Kit into a VSK walker.
- 17Jan05: A few additions to Terrain Materials and The Shape of Things to Come .
- 04Jan05: Added a page listing Wanted figures.
- 28Dec04: More terrain to look at, this time a Large Maize Field, also more Paper Tanks .
- 13Dec04: A new section in the terrain section on a stand of ferns and some updates in Paper Tanks .
- 30Nov04: Photos of Black Hat Miniatures' Martian Empires Martians to VSF miniature figure page.
- 29Nov04: Put up a quick page for Figure Conversion and Size Comparison and plans for Paper Tanks .
- 18Nov04: New cardboard Landship add to The Shape of Things to Come page. More little gardens on the Terrain How To page. More photos and history of The Espingol as part of my Allohistory page. Lots of little changes elsewhere.
- 15Nov04: New terrain item at to how to page, photos on the Battles page and new tool on How to Make Rivets page.
- 08Nov04: New figures listed in the VSF miniature figure and miniature figure reference page.
Also update on my Painting of 15mm Figures page and the VSF Inspiration page.
- 22Oct04: Add photos of Six Leg Walker to Model Gallery page.
- 21Oct04: Additions to The Battle Gallery , Six Leg Walker page and Terrain "How To"s Mass Production page.
- 19Oct04: Add mass production to Terrain "How To"s and updated the The VSF Insiration page .
- 18Oct04: Minor updates on Six Leg Walker page and the Painting Page.
- 11Oct04: Added Shapes of Thing to Come page with previews of models I am working on.
Important new maker of 15mm Victorian Science Fiction Figures add to my index.
Many aids added to pages to help with moving around. Updated Painting of 15mm Figures, How to Build a Small Ram ,
Walker, How to Build a Large Ram and
How to Make Rivets .
- 05Oct04: Now Terrain "How To"s to help you build the jungles of Venus and beyond.
- 03Oct04: Added my site to Top Sites on the Miniature Wargamer's page.
- 23Sep04: Fixed problems with the How to Make Rivets page
and added index to the How To Page.
- 22Sep04: Added How to Build a Small Ram ,
How to Build a Large Ram and
How to Make Rivets .
- 20Sep04: Added a few more steps to the Walker page.
- 19Sep04: Long time since last update. Lots of things behind the seances.
Mostly with The Victorian Science Fiction Page and
the How To Page. now has several more sub topics. I have
added the Walker page.
- 19Sep04: added "What's New".
To head to my Home go to DyeHard's VSF Home Page.

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