Catalog Notes
Brigade Games
- Gaslight
Brigade Games has expanded their Gaslight miniatures into 15mm scale. The first set of figures is an adventurers pack, photos can be found on
Brigade's web site.
Eureka Miniatures
- None in production yet
Be sure to check out the Club 300 list for proposals for several other Victorian era custom figures from Eureka.
Black Hat Miniatures Martian Empires
- British Expedition Force
- Imperial Martian
- Martian Askari
Now available in the USA from SCALECREEP
And elsewhere from Fighting15s .
See: Size 1 for a comparison to Black Raven Elf and Size 2
for comparison to and Old Glory figure.
Size 1
Size 2
Black Raven Foundry
(Useful as Martians)
- High Elves
- Wood Elves
- Amazons
(useful as Venusians)
- Lizardmen
Also available from Old Glory 15s .
Kremlin Miniatures
SCS4 Robo-Cavalry
SCS3 RisingSun Manitou
The "Manitou" is an armored fighting suit (power armor).
Keep your eyes open for new addition.
MJ Miniatures
- Hawk Men
- Other Odd Sci/Fi
MJ Miniatures has been traded a few time, but now is held by Dragon's Hoard .
They once also had a "Spice Warrior" line similar to Dune type characters. This line is reported to be "Also available soon".
My Miniatures
- Elves
- Maori
- Inuit2
- Eastern Forest American Indians2
My Miniatures maintains a gallery
with pictures of painted figures from several of they lines.
Peter Pig
- Wild West
- Big Aliens (Green Martians)
Range 15 is the company's listing of
the Wild West range. These figures are carried by Brookhurst Hobbies
in the USA (their list is here).
Peter Pig has a "Big Aliens" range which are modeled after the Green Martians of the War Lord of Mars stories (this list is here).
Pontoonier Miniatures Victorian Sci-Fi
- French Colonials in gas-masks
Regiment Games Mars or Die:

- French
- Germans
- UK
- American Indians
- Japanese
- Flying machines
"The French Foreign Legion and others
on the Red Planet, 1902-1909" due out "In early 2005"