Victorian Science Fiction:

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I was set some very nice photos of a VSF landship, so I thought I would share it we other VSF fans.
Meyer's VSF Works

28mm Landship
28mm Walker
28mm War Tank
Meyer's 28mm VSF Creations
Ajax Landship

Meyer wrote: "I had some off cuts of plywood left over from a job on my boat that screamed out to be
turned into a landship! so the main hull and tracks are timber with index card plating , the rivets
are embossed with a pouncing wheel,, the conning tower and gun turret are a piece of 22mm pipe and
the end of a pipe fitting, oh yes the stacks are inverted syringes with water pipe metal inserts in
them for the stack "crown", the bridge and doors and shutters are made from plasticard with paper
staples tor handles.The steering wheel is from the spares box (from a jeep I think)
I'm really enjoying this building, and the laughable bit is I don't even game! I'm a figure painter
heres a link to my site:
Meyer's Page ".
DyeHard adds: As this is in 28mm scale, this is a real monster of a landship. Now that is
building on a grand scale.
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Biped Walker
This is one of the best designs for a walker I have seen. I will have to try one in 15mm.
War Tank
Very nice landship is the WWI tank style. The rust effect is nice as well.
The deck and the large water tank on top really adds to the VSF feel.
To start VSF over go to The Victorian Science Fiction Page.
To see where this inspiration leads go to How To Page.
For more models go to Model Gallery Page.
To get all the way home go to Bryan's Home Page.
I hope to be able to add more latter.
Thank you for looking:

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