It's Bare on the World Wide Web!

This is "Bare"! He is a dog who is just a little too fun loving. He is a little worst for ware, but still charging hard.

The Nobel Beast

(Do you like my teeph?)

Here I am with my pal "Sneecker".

The good thing about Sneecker is she makes a great headrest.

She seems to like My dog couch an awful lot!

I think that she is watching me!

Here I am with Sneecker walking on the beach.
But what is Sneecker looking at?

Oh! Those geese.
Not a bad beach to be walking on.

And not bad tasting water either.

There is a new intruder in my life. It was shy at first, and tended to run off.

But this intruder grew more bold with time, And even felt free to eat MY food!

It even started to sleep on my steps.

Yes! it was a CAT! Sydney, and feels free to steel attention Bryan should be giving to me.

Sneecker figured with the cat moving in, her new digs would be out in the yard.

She looks comfortable enough.

But rather sad.

Well that was about all I could take, so I got together with Sneecker to run that cat out of the house.

We now reclaim our house as "Ours". That cat can just sleep outside.

Bryan said we were off to the vet to get me "fixed", and I didn't even know I was broken. Well I fell asleep and the next thing you know, things just don't feel right. I have had this cone on since then, so I have not been able to figure out what broken part got fixed on me, but I don't think I like it.

Bare and Friends

Sneecker and Me,  See my friend Sneecker Emner and Me,  See my friend Ember See my friend Fleur Some of my friends are even Cats! Other friends that have stopped by

If you would like to see what Bryan is about, go to Bryan's Home Page.

To see what Bryan does with his time when he should be walking Me and Sneecker, go to his Game Page
Some Local places we like to go.

You can write me at:


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