Me and Chub-Chub (A.K.A. Snowflake)

It's Cats on the World Wide Web!

Cats are kind of like dumb dogs, and smell funny, but are nice to lay next to because they are warm.

Some of the many sleepy moods of Chub-Chub.

This is Inky and Sammy, they seemed to have figured out the warmth thing as well.

Sammy has some pretty funny ideas about places to sleep.
No self respecting dog would sleep in any of these places.

And Inky seems to think she can sleep just about anywhere.
My spine hurts just looking at her.

And then there is Sydney.
Sydney makes sense to me, she never climbs on the furniture she eat dog food and she would never "go" in the house.
Some things should only be done outside, and she seems to understand that.
Hey! Someone open the screen door and let her out.




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