DyeHard's Guitars
and other Instruments
This is a brief history and gallery of some of the musical instruments I have played with.

Solid Body Guitars
Electra Les Paul Copy
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My first electric guitar. Not a bad start for a kid as this Japanese copy of the classic Gibson is
quite faithful. This is one very heavy bodied guitar with a nice thick neck and well shaped jumbo frets.
1959 Fender Strtocaster
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This rather hot-rodder Fender Stratocater I pick up for rather little money, back in the day.
Fender Jaguar
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Nice clean Fender Jaguar. Do they still make orange guitars?
Fender Squire Venus
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Very Nice for the discount band of Fender.
This Venus six string made in Japan shows great attention to detail.
Fender Squire Venus 12 String
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Very Nice for the discount band of Fender.
This Venus 12 string made in Japan shows great attention to detail.
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Leo Fender after selling his company and name to CBS, went on to build some very nice guitars.
Older Gibson SG
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This rather banged up Gibson SG has been the recipient of a lot of attention.
De Armond Seven String
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An amazingly cheep and poorly built guitar to bare such a famous name. I needed a seven string and this
one was quite inexpensive. I feel the components are quite good, but the assembly is poor.
With some re-working this my turn out quite nicely. The intonation is the main challenge. I am
hopping to avoid having to shine or trim the neck. But more on that later. The seventh string is
tuned to B below the low E of the standard guitar tuning.
Fernandes Vertigo
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Bought brand new with damage. (Very cheep). I have not had time to know this guitar yet.
But had some fails with the treatment of the fret ends that were quit surprising for a guitar
from a respected maker.
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An example of the many odd-balls made to catch the wave of popularity of the electric guitar
in the 60s and 70s. More or less a Strat copy I have yet to clean and string this guitar to give it a fair chance.
C. F. Martin Stinger
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A strangely faithful copy of a Fender Stratocaster sold by the C. F. Martin company.
Why the most respected maker of acoustic guitars would want to put its name of a Strat copy is beyond me.
It is well made but has a strangely sterile feel. I suspect the Martin was very conservative in the
specing out of this contract. All the parts are first class, and put together well, but just no spirt
seems to live in this one. I will have to play around with setup and such to bring it to life.
Quality Japanese Stratocaster Copy
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Attention to detail is the thing for this guitar.
Unknown HotRod Strat Copy
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A heavily modified Startocaster copy.
Mako Red Strat Copy
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Mid quality Startocaster copy.
Mako White Strat Copy
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High quality Startocaster copy.
Casio Midi Driver Guitar
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Yamaha EGV103C
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Marketed as a Surf Guitar in a complete kit with amp for $90.00
Try and beat that!
Yamaha AES820
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A very pleasing pawn shop find. Extremely dense wood makes the guitar very heavy despite the relatively
thin body construction. I love the locking tuners. I predict all guitars of the future will include this feature.
The scale is 24.75" with string through body tail and setup for strings to pass straight across the nut.
Yamaha AES820 Drop D6
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Another example of the well made AES 820 series, this one has an extended scale of 26.25" to allow for a "Drop-D"
tuning. There are many possibly here. (D A D G B D) or (D A D F# A D). It is referred to as a "Baritone Guitar",
but is really more of a "Tenor Guitar".
Ovation Solid Body 12 String Guitar
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Tesco Guitar
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Burns of London, Bison-62 Re-issue
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An amazing guitar with the best tremolo arm I have used.
I can not wait to get a vintage Burns model on which this copy is based.
Burns of London, Barracuda, Baritone Guitar
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With a 30 inch scale this guitar out muscles every other guitar I have ever seen.
Trump Les Paul Copy
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Older discount copy guitar.
Drive Wildfire Guitar
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Amazingly inexpensive guitar.
SX Guitar from Rondo Music
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Amazingly inexpensive guitar.
But needed some work to be useful.
Eastwood Mosrite Guitar
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Well build copy of a 60s classic.
Jay Turser Mosrite Copy
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Mosrite continues to inspire imitation.
Mako Exotec XK-4 Guitar
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Japan gone wild! Mako makes some very nice Strat copies and this.
Effector Guitar
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A copy of the Gibson Explorer, the Effector features a set on built in sonic effects.
Epiphone Little "V" Alto Guitar
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A copy of the Gibson Flying V done on a smaller scale.
The Alto guitar is tuned with the same intervals as the standard guitar but a fifth or more higher in pitch.
Harmony Alto Guitar
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Intended to be a toy, this Harmony is a very playable Alto guitar.
Back to the Table of Guitars
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