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The Size of 15mm Miniature

The scale of 15mm figures is nominally 1/107, however, the variation between manufacturers is great. This can prove to be a great frustration to the hobbyist who wants to assemble forces from more then one source. The term "15mm" is meant to express the distance between the soul of the feet to the level of the eyes of an average man standing straight. Clearly this is a difficult factor to control in the sculpting and casting of figures who are most often posed in some from action and clad in the varying equipment of the different troops and ages. Also, one should consider the natural variation in height and size of people within a population and between different nations.

I hope this tool of comparison will aid the beginning and veteran player in selection of figure ranges that will meet their needs.

Size Comparison to Old Glory figures1



Compare to:

Old Glory - Boxer Rebellion
- Zulu War
- Sudan War
- Boer War
- Franco-Prussian War
- Austro-Prussian War
The colonial's are listed separately from the Franco Prussian War ranges. The new Boxer Rebellion line is listed on Grandiosity's web site (as are the 1866 Austrians).Available from Old Glory 15s .

click on the "size" links below to see comparative photos.

Alphacast2 - GWI Greeks
- GWI Turks
- GWI Egyptians
- GWI Albanians
- Balkan wars
Brigade Games  New - Gaslight
Cellmate - Boxer Rebellion
Dixon Miniatures - Indian Mutiny
East Riding Miniatures - Egyptian Dhow
- Chinese Junk
- Ship Fittings
Essex - Sudan/Egypt
- Zulu War
- Franco-Prussian War
Eureka Miniatures  New - Abyssinians
Falcon Figures (UK) - Imperial Chinese
- Meiji Japanese
Fantassin Miniatures - 1st Carlist War
- Spanish American War
Feudal Castings -American Civil War
-Sikh Wars/Indian Mutiny
-1850 Danish
-1859 Austrians
-1859 Piedmontese
-World War I
-Ethiopian Axumites2
Frei Korps - mid-19th C. European
- maximillian Adventure
- Indian/Pony Wars
- Early (Moghul) India
- Spanish-American War
- WWI Middle East
Frontier - Boxer Rebellion
- Indian/Pony Wars
- Franco-Prussian War
- Spanish-American War
Size 1
Size 2
Gallia Miniatures - Zulu War
- Boer Wars
- Sudan War
- Afghans
- Indian Army
- Gurkhas
Gladiator Games - Abyssinians
- Russian Colonial
- Zulu War
- Sudan War
Grumpy's Miniatures2 - Afghans
- Cossacks
- Indonesian/Malay
Hovels Ltd. - Pony Wars
- Zulu War buildings
- Middle Eastern
Irregular Miniatures - Boxer Rebellion
- Zulu War
- Sudan War
- Northwest Frontier
- Boer War
- French Foreign Legion
- Masai
- Maori
- Burmese
- Abyssinian
- Ashanti
- Indian/Pony Wars
JR Miniatures  New - French Colonial buildings
- Central Asian buildings
- Zulu War buildings
- Western buildings
Kennington Miniatures  New - Imperial Chinese
Lancashire Games - Boxers
- British
- Gurkha
- Sikh
- Sudanese
- Zulu
- Russo-Turkish War
Merrimack Miniatures - Colonial Gunboat
- Paddlewheel Steamer
Military Miniatures of New Zealand - Maori Wars Size
MiniFigs - Brits
- Sudanese
- Egyptians
- Boers
- Zulus
- Arabs
- Pathans
- French Foreign Legion
- Franco-Prussian War
- Indian/Pony Wars
Musket Miniatures - Rorke's Drift
Naismith - Zulu War
- Sudan War
Off the Beaten Path  New - Royal Marines
- Royal Navy
- Dyaks
- Malays
- Chinese
- European Civilians
_ Paper ships and structures
Old Glory - Boxer Rebellion
- Zulu War
- Sudan War
- Boer War
- Franco-Prussian War
- Austro-Prussian War
Photo Size
Outpost Wargame Services - Franco-Prussian War
Peter Pig - Wild West
- Sudan War  New
Rank & File - Russo-Turkish War
- Crimean War
- Franco-Prussian
- mid-19th C. European
Stone Mountain Miniatures - British
- French Foreign Legion
- Arabs
- Dervish
- Pathans
- Zulu
Size 1
Size 2
Studio 33 Productions New
- Colonial Warships
Tin Soldier - Boer War
- Italian/Abyssinian
Table Top Miniatures New - Zulu Wars
- Boxer Rebellion
- Indian Mutiny
- Pony Wars
- Russo-Turkish War
Touller  New - French African Colonial
Two Dragons - Early British India
- Omdurman

1.List compiled from Online Miniature Manufacturers Directory and e-mail list.
2.Not strictly colonial, but the ranges easily fit into 19th C. armies.

As my personal collection does not span the entire range of manufactures covered here, I encourage anyone, who is so inclined, to send me comparison photos of figures here E-mail.
