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Using an orange to demonstrate, he explained we had walk from the outer skin through the rind to the inner surface. He quickly ate out the flesh of the fruit and reassembled the peel. He carefully ripped away portions and held it above his head. He went on to explain that the globe of the Earth was hollow, that there were oculi at each pole and that the sun would shine through according to the season. That we now stood on the inside of the peel and could look out through the oculi. He handed me the peel for my examination. Even with this model in my hands I still was confounded by what I had seem.

n the next day we ascended a hill to confirm our observation of the previous day. Despite profound skepticism we were unable to find fault in our host's explanation. We concocted tests to run to see if this explanation and our understanding of its implication were in fact consistent with all of our observations. Our profound conclution was that we were in fact on the inner surface of the hollow gobe of the Earth.

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